Friday, July 30, 2010



So I know that I am the worst blogger ever. But that doesn't mean I shouldn't do it, right? I mean, how you can you better if you don't practice? I love reading other people's blogs. I love seeing their pictures and reading their thoughts. Some people are so good at it, they should get paid to blog. I have a feeling I will never have enough time to make my blog a work of art. That's ok. I don't really have anything super exciting going on that people just are dying to read about. Is that a problem? Probably. That's why only 2 people will read it. That's ok too. That means less people will find me totally boring or crazy or a bad mom, ha! I am avoiding cleaning my house and doing online homework right now. That might be the only purpose this blog serves, and that, also, is ok. I guess now I should post a couple cute pics or something.

So my sister Kim came to visit a few days... here's some pics.

The first one is Kim with the kids at Bridgeport, the longest covered bridge in the country. Ooooh!

Then there's Kim and Lyla being goofy...

Then me and Dylan at the pool...

Then me tryin on Kim's purple wig. I think it looked real nice on me. I think I might get my hair cut like that so I look like a Russian spy. Add a little spice to my life, ya know?

And I cannot figure out this formatting for the life of me. So here ya go. Now you can laugh at what a horrible blogger I am.

Monday, April 19, 2010

For My 2 Followers

Hey Meliss and Tamsey!

So I actually found the link to my blog through Tamsey's blog, and decided to request my password and jot a little again. It's been hard these past 6 wks in a cast, but I got promoted to a brace today so I can actually kind of type! Blogging is good. Let's see if I can do more than just this one. Love y'all!