Friday, October 24, 2008

It Must be a Strong Limb

I'm pretty sure no one really reads this...except maybe Tamsey (haha) so I feel like I have a little more freedom to vent. My husband is gone again. Yes, AGAIN...after being home less than two months. I was not happy, but what can you do. This time I decided to stick it out here in Kansas rather than head to FL like I normally do for help from family. There were a few reasons for this. 1. A 21 hr drive absolutely sucks, and if you're gonna stay more than a coupla weeks, you need a vehicle 2. I wanted to see if I could actually make it on my own. 3. (This ones gonna be long...) We are always praying for God to use us, and always saying we know God put us in Kansas for a reason. Well, I've never fully allowed myself to be HERE. I spend half the time visiting in FL, and half the time "visiting" my house in Kansas. That is no way to make a house a home, or to be available to let God use you very much. I finally decided to get plugged in here. I'm a discussion group leader at MOPS (tamsey :)) and a kindergarten Sunday school teacher. I'm building closer relationships with neighbors...all important things. I honestly felt peace staying here. That is why I am so baffled at how things have gone since Bear left. It has honestly been the hardest time of my life, EVER! I don't know if the amount of deployments piling up that's taking a toll on me, or lack of sleep, or sick children, or a "terrible two" or messy house or what...but I feel like I am pushed to my limit every single day and that I just can't go on...and then I do. If I am hanging on by a limb, it must be a strong one. We will call it the wonderful grace of God! One more month, and then he'll be home. On Thanksgiving Day! THAT will be something to be thankful for.
funny of the day: Dylan was in the other room (NEVER good). I hear "Troy! NO!" Dylan runs in, no diaper on. "Mama, Troy ate my poopoo." Walk in other room, dirty diaper on floor with....dirty...missing. BAD DOG.
lesson of the day: Don't leave real grown up tools laying around the house or your 2 yr old may come up behind you when you're not looking and whack you in the back with a big hammer. Owww.